Tech, travel, creative, and juicy interesting bits of flesh.

  • I tend to use Facebook on a web browser so I can use ad blockers to control the experience. Yeah, I know… but Facebook is how I stay in touch with extended family.

    Anyway, I noticed this afternoon that Facebook seems to have taken a page from Youtube’s playbook and start messing with ad blockers. I’m using Arc with uBlock Origin and as you can see from the screen recording below, Facebook is trying really hard to circumvent the blocks.

    A friend of mine reports that he noticed this behavior last evening. I wasn’t using the web last night so I did not see this until today.

    How about you? Is Facebook trying to get around your ad blocker too?






  • ¶¶¶¶¶





  • If you’re just coming back to work today to find your data filters in Terraform (or Pulumi, or whatever) are broken while trying to run a deployment, check this out:

    Amazon has pulled all of the old Amazon Linux AMIs that might respond to your filter. You need to check and make sure your filter is updated. This issue is a little confusing because you can still launch instances from the public SSM parameter, but the API and console won’t let you see it.

    Our Terraform filter was the issue:

    data "aws_ami" "amazon_linux" {
    most_recent = true
    owners = ["amazon"]

    filter {
    name = "name"

    values = [

    This will need to be changed to something else that will now work. In our case we’re just using this for a bastion, so we felt safe with changing the filter to pull Amazon Linux 2023:

    data "aws_ami" "amazon_linux" {
    most_recent = true
    owners = ["amazon"]

    filter {
    name = "name"

    values = [

    Happy New Year and stuff.






  • A long time ago I decided to stop making New Year’s resolutions. I instead made goals. I felt like this was more attainable and a better fit for the human condition. I didn’t punish myself for missing a goal, I just readjusted until I tried to attain them.

    2023 ended and I found that I wasn’t even thinking about goals for next year. I do have a physical goal of losing weight and getting more fit, but I’m not going to put metrics around it. I just want to generally feel better. Aside from that, I didn’t even think about what other goals I should have in 2024.

    I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

    I’m gonna roll with that anyway.

    Happy New Year 🥳






  • I’m predicting this to be a real shitshow.

    Link to external blog entry

    I did a lot of time in the US federal government space. In the latter part of my career there, there was a big push to stop using open source software as much as possible due to supply chain concerns. I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to exclude open source software from our toolset. But the US government wanted a single person to smack around with a trout if things went wonky.

    The EU seems to be taking it an unnecessary step further. If your open source software is perceived to cause any kind of harm, the developer is on the hook to prove that’s not the case. What an absolute disaster this could be for developers.

    I have always thought that Europe was the origin of more open source developers and software. I’ve always thought it must be nice to live in an area where open source is so prevalent and accepted. This U-turn is a real surprise to me.

    If I were to ever write an app… at this point, I’m pretty sure I would not release it in the EU.






  • Welcome to the first entry in a new series… er… category… maybe tag… hell I dunno… where I sit back and spill the beans on some of the true tales of my life being an IT guy. I hesitate to call this a “series” because who knows if I will actually keep this up. But I figure that somewhere, somehow, these short anecdotes deserve a small corner of the Internet to be forever preserved. I’m pretty sure I’ve told these tales to my kids, but just in case I didn’t – maybe they’ll read this someday and they can hear me tell it in my voice.

    In the late 1990’s (1998 or 1999, I wanna say… right on the cusp of year 2000 hysteria) I worked at a small outfit run by a local family. This family was headed up by an elderly couple who made a business out of selling and servicing Canon copiers. The old man and woman were rich beyond their wildest dreams but they saw fit to stick around in this small corner of north Alabama. They decided to “retire” (meaning: they wanted to stay at home and secretly tell their sons what to do and influence people) and give the business to one of their sons. This son had proven himself to be good with business acumen and was trusted to run the company in the way that he saw fit. I’m pretty sure the elderly parents still had their fingers in the pot somewhere, but I was never fully clear on the relationship and how it worked out.

    This family had a second son who was a bit more personable and less cutthroat. Nevertheless, he wanted to have a slice of some kind of business and convinced them to fund a small company focused on selling telephone systems to local outfits. This complimented the printer business pretty well and allowed both brothers to hire local people to run around town and take care of larger business’ needs in copiers, printers and telephone/voice mail systems. It was so cooperative that the two brothers shared a single building and both companies were completely intertwined inside this facility.

    At this point I should probably point out that I’m typing this completely from memory. Not only memory, but my interpretation of these two brothers and how their businesses came about. I’m not 100% clear on the formation of the telephone business. Regardless, I liked both of these brothers and they definitely had their personalities.

    I worked at the printer/copier business for the somewhat more cutthroat brother. I was starting a career in information technology quite by accident. I had spent 4.5 years at a television station. It was at this television station that I realized the stress of the news and media business weren’t entirely compatible with my personality. I ended up supporting the newsroom computers and new-fangled non-linear editing stations in addition to my regular duties as Senior Chyron Operator. This was in the time of Windows 3.11, Winsock… and later, Windows 95.

    This brother that was running the copier business had some foresight to a situation that was brewing. His field technicians were dealing more and more with network printing, a flavor of problems the technicians didn’t understand. They weren’t network engineers but these companies were asking them to fix the copiers that were on the network. At the time, a lot of secretaries (er, administrative assistants as they are now called) couldn’t tell the difference between a network problem and a copier hardware issue. They called this company and asked for help. My dude saw the writing on the wall and he decided that he needed to hire some network engineers.

    But he didn’t just want any network engineers – he wanted system administrators for his own internal network… and… as he convinced mom and dad… he could make back our salaries by making us billable to fix *all* of the network, server, and computing hardware problems.

    …and that is how I came to be at this company.

    There’s plenty of stories of this wild time all over the Internet. As I’ve said, I have a few to contribute and here’s one such amazing tidbit.

    I had a bad habit of feeling irritated when someone interrupted my focus on a problem. This is something I still struggle with today. Writing, coding, problem-solving, architecting… all of those things require concentration and it takes a pretty long time for me to get into that zone. (Aside: that’s why my blog is so empty, as I don’t get time to focus). I didn’t hide my irritation well and I’m sure my vibe was not well-hidden.

    There was a woman on the telephone company side of the building who was a regular problem. She was a grandma of one, and that one girl was quite literally a princess in her eyes. Her life was devoted to this grandchild, and everyone could tell that if she had her way, she wouldn’t be sitting in a squeaking chair that struggled to hold her weight. This woman was an unhealthy 4 or 500 pounds. Maybe 600. I’m not sure. But she had a reputation for some of the most violent mood swings you’d ever encounter in a person. She also fancied herself as a woman who was up to date on technology.

    I begged to differ.

    At the time, this telephone company’s CRM application was a real awful mess. It required a server running on Windows NT (which I was running in the building). The application couldn’t tolerate any hiccup in the network at all. It was using the old-school Microsoft networking technologies that had a bad issue with just shitting itself for no apparent reason. This application would suddenly start firing off error windows and often lose data when this happened. It was a real disaster.

    The known issue with the application was so hopeless that everyone in the building knew that when this application started misbehaving or throwing errors all you could do is reboot the workstation. These workstations were usually Windows 98 at the time, because… ya know… we were bleeding edge.

    Grandma knew absolutely everything about this application, as she would often tell people. She knew how to fix it, how to work with it, how to support it… everything. She assured people that she was the only person in the entire building that knew anything about the application.

    One day, grandma rings me up. I was chest-deep in a major problem for a customer and didn’t really have the brain bandwidth to supply to her because… well… she creeped me out with that whole grandchild devotion thing. Just think of a stereotype and it applies. My irritation wasn’t hidden (as usual) and I’m sure it set her off on the wrong foot.

    “It’s happening again,” she scoffed into the phone.

    “What? What’s happening again?” I half-growled.

    “<application-i-can’t-remember-the-name-of> is throwing errors again. Why can’t you fix it?”

    (i can’t fix it because it fucking sucks, that’s why)

    “That’s a known problem,” I sighed. “Just reboot the machine and it’ll work again.”

    Now she was pissed. “I… did reboot it.” Long pause. “The error is still on the screen.”

    “Even after you rebooted it?”


    I thought long and hard about what could be wrong with this thing. Yes, it’s a shitty application. Yes, it’s a real pain in the ass. But this is a known issue and the reboots always solved it. Had our single c: drive Windows server finally died? “Ok, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

    I tried to wrap up what I was doing in a way that I could pick it back up later since this was looking to take a long time. I said something to my coworkers at the time (more on them another day) and walked over to the lady’s desk.

    The error was still on the screen.

    “Yeah,” I said, “just reboot it.”


    I stared at her for a moment. People were looking in our direction. I’m not sure if they felt sorry for me or were scared of Grandma. Maybe both.

    “I…” I don’t know what made me think to ask her, but I screwed up the courage. “Can you show me what you did?”

    “OH MY GOD.” The woman visibly rolled her eyes and slammed a hammy fist on the table. Pictures of her granddaughter jumped at least two inches off the table and fell back in a disarray. I expected her to reach down to the tower and hit the power button or grab the mouse and wrestle the pointer to the lower left of the screen to hit Start –> Shut Down.

    But she did neither of those things.

    She pulled her fingers back and exposed the index finger, then extended it to the monitor power button. She pressed it.

    The monitor went off.

    She waited, murmuring to herself.

    She pressed the button again. The monitor came on.

    The error message remained.


    I stared at her for a moment. I reached for her mouse. I clicked Start –> Restart and let the machine reboot. I stood in awkward silence as the very slow PC rebooted and came back to life.

    I opened the application. It displayed without error.

    We stared at each other in quiet understanding. I didn’t know what to say, so I just walked away.

    To this day, 24/25 years later, I’m not sure what she said to anyone in that room… if anything.

    But I’ll always remember how she was adamant that she knew what she was doing.

    Tune in next time when we ask…

    …WHAT voltage regulator?





  • It’s the day after Christmas 2023 and I’m trying to wind down for the year. I’ve been reflecting on 2023 and all of its glory and horror. My morning reading started with this fine article:

    While I don’t work at Google (and never aspire to), I identified with many things in this article. It seems that over the past 20 years we’ve really lost something… a lot of things, actually. I’m not able to pinpoint what all of them are, but I guess I could sum it up as innocence.

    There was a time when I ran a BBS that it was exciting to communicate with people all over the world. We would write to each other and marvel over how quickly they could respond. We were young and innocent, musing over our lives and the world around us. We spent time making jokes (memes have carried that yoke well, I suppose). It seemed like we were excited to just be communicating and amazed at the technology. IRC (Internet Relay Chat, the old school version of today’s Discord) and MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) were prolific amongst the BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems). Technology was fun and not life-critical like it is today.

    I’m not sure what happened. But getting back to the article… it’s really no fun to work in tech anymore. Something has doused the fire. Maybe it’s corporate junkies making millions off of the workers, maybe it’s the shareholders who demand directions they don’t understand… maybe it’s Wall Street’s obsession with growth at any cost, I don’t know. I’ve experienced the bullshit mentioned in this article first hand for so, so many years at so, so many places. I would love to find a new job, but fact is there’s nothing out there that doesn’t suffer from this exact same bullshit in tech.

    I told my wife this morning that we should just let me quit tech and open a restaurant. Let her and the kids work there. I can run her IT operations and maybe open a gaming-focused net cafe next to it. Maybe I can just make money on the side with some consulting gigs, but nothing high stakes where our lives depend on it.

    If only I had an answer for health insurance.

    Dammit, America.






  • ·

    Hello again. Nice to see you. It’s almost been a year.

    I was supposed to do better on maintaining this site during 2023, but I didn’t really meet that goal. Some of the reasons were that I was tired and didn’t have much to say, but some of the reasons were largely technical.

    Moving the Blog

    As you can see, I’ve moved on from hosting this site at Medium. To keep a long opinion short, Medium has graduated into a clickbaity toxic mess of garbage. I’ve gotten to the point where I cringe anytime I’m directed to Medium by a search engine. I was subscribing to Medium for $5 a month and intended to build an audience there and write for pennies. That didn’t happen because using Medium has been challenging. Writing on it was painful, responding to some of the ridiculous comments was even more painful, and I just decided I wasn’t enjoying it any longer.

    I thought about moving back to Hugo. Hugo is awesome and fantastic and fits my mentally pretty nicely. However, I’m getting old and lacking patience in doing git pull requests and CI/CD pipelines just to publish words. I needed to get back to the basics – where really all I need to worry about is writing down the words.

    I used WordPress many times in many places, but I always self-hosted it. I grew to dislike WordPress because it was too big and too difficult to secure. I ended up looking back at to host the blog so I could try to boil things back to something I know and I’m familiar with and integrates well with all the technology I choose to use.

    So here we are, back on WordPress… but on

    It’s Been a Crazy Year

    This year has been all about my family. My daughters have been super busy with Taekwondo, Dance, Dance Line, and Flag Football. My wife got a job more than a year ago but she still doesn’t drive. My son has been in college, but recently decided that computer science isn’t being taught well (more on that another time… in short, I agree with him).

    All of these busy people are living their lives but the only one that drives other than me is my son. He’s been away at college so I’ve had to drive the wife and daughters every where they needed to go. This doesn’t sound as mentally taxing as it really is, but let me tell you, this is mentally taxing. I’ve really not felt like I’ve had time and energy to do anything for myself. I have plenty of things I used to enjoy doing but my cup was empty. I didn’t even feel like playing video games or watching movies anymore. I literally felt like doing nothing. This sent my mind into a pretty constant panic because I felt less productive (and hey, guess what, I AM less productive!) and felt like I needed to do something but just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

    That’s a bad place to be. Finally, one of my daughters will be driving late in 2024 and my wife has her learner’s permit. I see light at the end of the tunnel on this, but for now it’s still too much.

    I will admit that this ended up leading to some pretty bad health habits. Overeating, drinking a little too much when the time afforded it, and generally not taking care of my physical and mental health. I’m trying to do better.

    Really, I’m trying.

    This is supposed to be therapeutic, so I will at least try to be more communicative here. I’ve had lots of thoughts about the state of the world in general and lots of thoughts on tech. I’ll do my best to put them out there into the ether where you may someday read them.

    For now, it’s nice to see you again. I hope to write more over the coming year – rather than a once a year update.





  • I was telling my youngest daughter, “When something like this happens, I can’t rest until I figure it out.”

    What was that? At some point in iOS 16, our Apple Family setup stopped sending notifications for “Ask to Buy” purchases from our daughters. I don’t know if this started on the first installation of iOS 16 on my devices or on theirs, but it was plain broken. It’s supposed to send a notification to my wife and I whenever our daughters want to install an app or execute an App Store purchase. We’re pretty liberal about what we approve for our daughters, but it was still nice to have that functionality. But now, it was busted.

    I researched high and low and discovered that this kind of thing has happened off and on for other users since 2018. There were a myriad of proposed solutions. Most of them suggested to rename the parents’ devices in Settings → General → About. Apparently, this often cleared a logjam of notifications and this situation was one such logjam.

    But this time around it didn’t work.

    Another suggestion was to log out of iCloud on the parents’ devices. OK, I get that, but I’m getting pretty tired of having to do this. I was facing the possibility that I would need to log a bug report with Apple and try to move on with my life. Our youngest was getting pretty frustrated with my numerous attempts to resolve this. That’s why I said the above to her.

    I thought that maybe this had something to do with turning on Advanced Data Protection on my iCloud account. I remembered that I had not enabled this on my wife’s devices yet, so that wasn’t a likely situation. She wasn’t receiving the notifications either.

    My last gasp was to try to sign my daughter’s iCloud account out of her devices, then back in.

    It worked.

    That’s when I discovered that Apple changed the way these notifications are delivered. They are no longer sent through the normal notification place. Now they’re sent through iMessage. If your child has a group chat with both parents, it will use that group chat to deliver the message. Otherwise, it will create a new thread between your child and the parents.

    A notification from iMessage that my daughter wants a game from the App Store.
    Now you get the notification in iMessage instead.

    At first I was confused by this new functionality. It didn’t make sense. But now that I think about it, there’s some benefit to this approach. Now I can see which one of us (my wife or myself) approved the request and when it was approved. This also guarantees the delivery of the notification to all devices. It’s actually not a bad idea t all.

    So there you have it. If you installed iOS 16 across the board and “Ask to Buy” notifications quit working, try signing your child out and back in of their iCloud Account on all of their devices. This appears to nudge iOS 16 into the desired new way of delivering the notifications.






  • Apple provides a long list of privacy-focused features to help you maintain your modern-day sanity. It’s not too often that you get to taste the actual benefit of these features and how they give you control over the flow of information.

    For instance — privacy features in Safari are cool, but they’re largely transparent and once you turn them on, it’s not really all that clear how the features are benefitting you. That’s by design. You should just experience peace of mind with those features.

    But there’s one privacy feature that enables you to be a little more active and in control, and you should be using it.

    iCloud Hide My Email

    iCloud+ provides the ability to create a unique and semi-ephemeral email address that will forward traffic to your main iCloud email address. You can use this to sign up for newsletters, apps, or anything that requires that you provide an email address. It may not be readily apparent how this will benefit you — but once you meet a vendor who doesn’t give a flying fuck about complying with data privacy requirements and marketing, you get to leverage your control.

    Case in point: I used Hide My Email to sign up to obtain an offer from an alarm company. I’m constantly in search of a decent HomeKit-based alarm system (I’ve yet to find one that I’m happy with, HMU if you know of one). I saw one of these companies was having a sale — which they’re happy to give you a significant discount as long as you’re willing to cough up your email address.

    Enter Hide My Email. I used it to generate an email address to mask my real one. It was set to forward the emails to my main address. Cool, I feel better about providing information to that company now. But the company started sending marketing emails once per day. I knew who it was, because they used the email address I had provided. Better yet, I knew who they sold my email address to.

    I tried time and time again to click the unsubscribe links, but the company refused to obey. They kept sending emails. OK, no problem. Thanks to Hide My Email, all I have to do is go in to the settings on my phone and deactivate the forwarding of the email to my main iCloud.

    Hear that? It’s the sound of modern-day peace and silence.

    Thank you, Apple, for once again providing something useful to my modern-day life.




